Viswanadha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


 1.  Name  :  Madduri Savithri
 2.  DOB  :  14-8-1959
 3.  E-mail id  :
 4.  Contact No.  :  +91-9885560877
 5.  Qualificaion  :  M.Pharm., Ph.D.
 6.  Designation  :  Professor
 7.  Specialization  :  Pharmacology
 8.  Joining date of this institution  :  1-8-2008
 9.  Total Teaching Experience(till May 2017)  :  29 years
 10.  B.Pharm pursued college  :  AU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
 11.  B.Pharm passed year  :  1981
 12.  M.Pharm pursued college  :  AU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
 13.  M.Pharm passed year  :  1988
 14.  Ph.D. pursued/pursuing University  :  AU College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.
 15.  Ph.D. awarded year  :  2012
 16.  No. of Publications (research + review)  :  2
 17.  Books or Book chapters authored  :  -
 18.  No. of Conferences attended  :  8
 19.  No. of papers presented  :  2

 Academic Achievements  :



 21.  Any other Achievements  :

 Leading Placement Cell.
Handling VNIPS Alumni.

 22.  Areas of Research Interest  :

Clinical research

 23.  Hobbies  :

 Reading books, Surfing.


 24.  A line about VNIPS  :  Very pleasant and friendly relation among staff and students.
 25.  Projects Done  :  -
 26.  Projects Guided  :  1.Effect of yoga and Naturopathy on Type II Diabetes
2.Study conducted in intensive care unit on coronary Heart diseases Comparative study
3. Study of anti proliferative effect of various effects on green gram seeds
 27.  Memberships  :  AP State Pharmacy Council.
Life member – APTI.
Coastal Diabetic Association.
 28.  Social Networks Availability  :

 29.  Personal/Organization Website  :
30.  VNIPS Page  :

Viswanadha Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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